Friday, September 07, 2007

This week has gone by SO fast. It was great having a four day week. My time on a client got dropped at work, so I thought I was going to have lots of time to study for my last section of the CPA exam (FAR), but of course it was picked up within a few hours. The client that I got assigned to is actually going through their year end audit....which means long hours...

Blaine thought he would be done with training this week and on the phone, but once again they added more training! (I think thats 8 weeks of training now!) Next week though he should be on the phones! This weekend Blaine has his first drill in MN. Its been a few months since his last drill...hopefully he likes his new unit!

I haven't decided what I'm doing this weekend yet. I was thinking of going to Fargo, see Stace! I haven't seen her knew place yet, so I need to get there sometime soon!

As far as the house goes, we are still waiting. We got the appraisal report in, and we submitted an amendment lowering the purchase price to the value of the house. Now we just have to wait to see if the sellers accept our amendment....hope to hear soon, either way.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

1 comment:

teacherwoman said...

Way to keep up with the posting! I am impressed!

You will have to change the link on your sidebar to my blog... as it has changed!

Have a great week!