Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thank God its almost Friday!

Work was frustrating today. Its hard not ever knowing what you're doing. I can't wait until I can do work on my own for longer than ten minutes, not having to ask a million questions. ehhh, its tiring and I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Blaine and I made an offer on another house! Cross your fingers...At this point I have no expectations, as we have been on a roller coaster ride of house hunting.

I got a little studying in tonight so that's a plus. I need to kick it in gear though. This section has the most information, and I just want to learn it and take the test and be DONE. I should be taking advantage of this time I have in the evenings, you know before all the good shows start up again (Grey's Anatomy!!).

Blaine is enjoying his Wii, I got the boot to the other room : ) He worked late again tonight. I am impressed with his hard working self lately! Bringing home the bacon, haha. Hmm....its almost pay day! Yay!

Update on Deja: Her new thing is to take kleenex, cotton swabs, Qtips, etc. out of the garbage in the bathroom and apparently eat them. Yesterday at 2am she did it right in front of me, the nerve! So now we have to remember to keep the door shut. Plus I noticed in cleaning up her doo-doo tonight, she's not exactly digesting it if you know what I mean. Can't be good for her, hmmm... The "Calm Down" we bought her to help lower her anxiety, does not seem to have any effect on her constant licking of the air/carpet/bed. I don't know about our crazy little dog. Maybe Blaine is right, maybe she needs a friend (shhhh don't tell him).

Here's to almost Friday!


teacherwoman said...

You know, if you get Deja a friend that would mean you guys are "Dog people". I remember having that conversation in the past! HA!

ANother offer on a house! Way to go. I will have to call for more details later.

I won't explain here how to get those pictures where you want them on your blog. We can talk this weekend, and I can actually walk you through it... since I am a pro! HA!

Have a great friday!

Anonymous said...

Hi there -I came across your blog, thanks to your sister! I love all your wedding pics!

P.S. My family's new puppy likes to do the exact same thing! She *loves* digging tissues out of the bathroom trash and ripping them to complete shreds!