Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Well I finally did it. I scheduled my (hopefully) last exam for the CPA - FAR. Saturday, November 17th at 12pm. Eeks. It is definitely enough time to prepare for it, but I just need to get going and stop procrastinating. I have gone through about 2 1/2 of the 9 sections, so I have a little start. No more weekends of relaxation. I am going to go to the office on Saturdays so that I focus and get a lot done. I'm so excited! (Meanwhile I still have not gotten my score from the last part I took Sept.24). So if I don't post as much, you know why....

Turns out I kinda like benefit plans. Everyone else seems to cringe at the thought of auditing a benefit plan, but I don't find them that bad. I think maybe it is because its pretty easy, and I can actually do a lot of the work on my own without bothering my senior every 5 minutes. The only bad part is we can't find last year's paperwork. Since neither of us have done a benefit plan, we have to research how to test everything.

I think tonight is an ice cream night. It is just calling my name...mmmm...

Well back to the studying!

(PS - the cavemen from the Geico commercials have their own show on ABC - weird)


teacherwoman said...

I bought ice cream tonight. Great minds think alike. (either that or I shouldn't be grocery shopping after spin.)

P.S. I saw the preview of that caveman show. .. ... weird.

Anonymous said...

i love ice cream, we haven't heard from daughter #2 for awhile, is it something we said?

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of Ice Cream night! I need a "night".... maybe brownie night.

Good luck with your exam!