Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Comedy on a Tuesday?

Today was a busy one. We are trying to finish all the work on this benefit plan by tomorrow. Our biggest problem is the client contact. They claim they don't get emails, and when we call their secretary always says (after we say who is calling) that they are out. Annoying. I feel pretty exhausted.

I know I will be even more exhausted come tomorrow. Blaine called me at about 5, and asked if I wanted to go to a comedy club with M&R tonight at 7. Thanks for the notice! Of course I want to though. Poor Deja is going to hate us. I got it arranged for the girl we live with to feed her and let her out. I hope she plays with her too. Sometimes when we are not around they just keep her in the basement. Sad, but I can't expect them to care for her.

I'm starving, I hope they get their butts down here soon!!!

Here's to lots of laughs (I hope)!!!



teacherwoman said...

Poor puppy. poor puppy. I miss her! And you!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.